Friday, March 3, 2017


Hello all. My name is Dogan Nar. I've been a member off and on of the Jedi Path for almost exactly a decade at the time of this writing. The Jedi Life is a blog that I started back in December 2010. I since have lost the login details so I am recreating it here. The first few posts that I make will simply be reposting what I posted back in 2010 (and I will do so in their entirety--even if they no longer fully represent my views as a Jedi).

So as I mentioned before, I was off and on with the Path. I left sometime in 2011 or 2012 from the Path for several years until making a return in January of this year. I've been reconnecting with old friends and mentors throughout the community. I've undertaken training at the Institute for Jedi Realist Studies. I'm very happy to be a part of the community once again.

I've had a bit of an identity crises since returning. I described myself in my last introduction post as "...more or less a self-titled Jedi Knight (I achieved this title at the main Order where I studied and it has been recognized by the majority of my colleagues." Where I'm training, I consider myself an intro-level student. It isn't about that. Its more my own sense of identity, how I see myself. Am I still a Knight, or has my absence dulled my knowledge level? I suppose that will been seen as time passes. 

Anyways. This blog wass created as a place for me to come and pass off things that I've learned along the way, both in the past as well as in this new iteration of my Jedi Path. The topics will range from Jedi-related to non-Jedi related, but useful for Jedi as well.

I hope you learn a thing or two, please don't hesitate to leave a comment on anything. I'm all for discussion on anything that I post here, in fact I could argue that it's the entire reason that I post here. Enjoy!

May the Force be with you, always.

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